兽王伏魔主演:马克·辛格 Marc Singer/坦娅·罗伯茨 Tanya Roberts/雷普·汤恩 Rip Torn,上古洪荒时代,流传著神奇的冒险故事。“万兽王”达尔即是这个时代的英雄。 达尔出生皇室,却被巫师亚刚追杀,流落民间。他成人不久,养父就被野蛮人杀死,但他也发现了他能与动物交流的能力。 同时,他必须阻止巫师亚刚拿到“布朗斯之眼”。因为一 旦亚刚拿到此颗宝石,邪魔恶神布朗斯将重返人间,助亚刚王为恶,荼毒生灵。为了取得布朗斯的魔力,亚刚绑架了达尔的亲兄弟——泰尔王,兄弟情深的达尔誓言救回兄弟,为父报仇,他带领著忠心的动物军队以及军师塞斯向亚刚王宣战。达尔将和这位神秘没测的魔头刀锋相对决一死战。 Dar, the son of a king, is hunted by a priest after his birth, so he is sent to grow up in another family. When he becomes a grown man, his new father is murdered by savages. He discovers that he has the ability to communicate with the animals, and after that, Dar begins his quest for revenge in this Conan-like movie.
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