冷月亮Lune Froide(1991)

又名:Cold Moon

主演:Jean-François Stévenin/Patrick Bouchitey/Jean-Pierre Bisson

导演:帕特里克·伯利奇 / 编剧:Jackie Berroyer/Patrick Bouchitey



冷月亮主演:Jean-François Stévenin/Patrick Bouchitey/Jean-Pierre Bisson, 阿德和西蒙是死党,两个酒鬼终日无所事事,只为喝个烂醉,找个女人。阿德靠失业救济金过活,住在她姐姐家旁的拖车里;西蒙是个冷冻渔场的夜班工,他们都不敏感,不再年轻也不英俊。然而他们的冷漠却使他们的这种生活饶有乐趣,找个女人在海滩上胡搞,当着妓女弟弟的面和她上床,而西蒙一生的至爱确是一具他偷来的女尸……
Simon and Dede are best friends: two aimless drunks who spend their days getting sloshed and any other available time getting laid. Simon is living on unemployment benefits in a trailer parked near his sister's apartment. Dede works at a fish-packing plant on the night shift. Neither man is sensitive, young, or good looking. However, their sang-froid (literally, "cold blood," referring to a quality of imperturbability) stands them in good stead as they go about their seedy lives, picking up one woman and having sex with her on the beach, or when Simon calmly has sex with a prostitute in front of the woman's brother. In the past, a bizarre necrophiliac situation led to Simon experiencing his only sense of what it might be to truly love someone.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Lune Froide
2019-05-12 Bukowski - Cold Moon - Lune Froide - 1991 ENG subs
