这座城市出现了一名绰号“Blitz”的连环杀人魔,他神出鬼没地杀害多名警官,而他的凶器只是一把锤子。没人知道他的踪迹,而他也因作案手法老练而使警方难以破案。嚣张的他更在每次作案前后都会和某报社负责犯罪版块的编辑邓洛浦(大卫·莫瑞瑟 David Morrissey 饰)报告杀人的细节,从而追求社会的关注。邓洛浦为了自己出名而没有通知警方,每次都能让警方试图封锁消息的计划破灭,也因此被警方注意。 个性容易冲动火爆的警察布兰特(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)因正义感太强殴打嫌疑犯,屡次遭投诉、上报纸,上司颇为恼火。这一次,布兰特奉命追查这名凶手,面对凶残狂妄凶手的放肆挑衅,他决定要靠自己的双手,为这个社会伸张正义......Detective Sergeant Tom Brant who is dispatched to take down a serial killer hell bent on killing off the police force one by one. "The Blitz" manages to slip through the grasp of Tom every time, and with the precious lives of his colleagues diminishing one by one, Tom is led to the question: if we can't protect our own, then what good are we?