一名大学篮球队教练本来用正规方法训练他的球员,可是在他输掉了生平的第一个球季之后,他开始采各种火爆手段来刺激那群菜鸟球员以争取胜利。本片剧本写出了不少大学篮球赛的黑幕,对这个校园运动系统的丑陋面有所讽刺。导演威廉.弗里德金处理打球动作场面表现不俗,尼克.诺尔蒂扮演火爆教头亦卖力得很,加上不少NBA明星客串亮相演出,应该可以让喜欢篮球运动的观众叫好。Pete Bell, a college basketball coach is under a lot of pressure. His team isn't winning and he cannot attract new players. The stars of the future are secretly being paid by boosters. This practice is forbidden in the college game, but Pete is desperate and has pressures from all around.