Showtime预定三集体育题材系列纪录片《闭嘴,运球》(Shut Up and Dribble,暂译),勒布朗·詹姆斯担任监制。片名出自保守派评论员劳拉·英格拉姆此前对勒布朗·詹姆斯的评论。今年NBA总决赛之后,冠军金州勇士队队员曾拒绝了来自白宫的邀请。这一事件将开启该系列纪录片的序幕,纪录片将聚焦在当今政治和文化氛围下运动员角色的转变。10月首播。This three-part documentary series provides a powerful inside look at the changing role of athletes in our fraught cultural and political environment, through the lens of the NBA. The series chronicles the modern history of the league, and how it became an incubator for many of its top athletes to grow their brands beyond the court and become cultural icons. By taking control of their own destinies, basketball players have helped to bring about social change and make their own statements in the current political climate.