Mi Puerto Rico(1995)


主演:Felipe Luciano / Raquel Ortiz / Geraldo Rivera / 

导演:Sharon Simon / 


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Mi Puerto Rico:最新迅雷BT资源


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Mi Puerto Rico:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供1995年由Felipe Luciano Raquel Ortiz Geraldo Rivera 主演,Sharon Simon导演的《Mi Puerto Rico》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Mi Puerto Rico》百度云网盘资源以及《Mi Puerto Rico》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Mi Puerto Rico》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:This documentary presents a personal journey through Puerto Rico's rich African, Taino, and Spanish cultural traditions with revelatory stories by poets, abolitionists, revolutionaries, and politicians, all of whom have struggled for a national identity that has been greatly influenced by the island's ambiguous relationship with the United States. Using interviews, literature, poetry, the collages of artist Juan Sanchez, along with archival film footage and photographs, Mi Puerto Rico gives the viewer a musical, visual, and historical journey seen from the island itself and from its many transplants on the mainland United States.
