La doble vida del faquir(2005)


主演:Joan Altamira / Xavier Bagué Bonfill / Jordi Bertrán / 

导演:Elizabet Cabeza / Esteve Riambau / 


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La doble vida del faquir:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2005年由Joan Altamira Xavier Bagué Bonfill Jordi Bertrán 主演,Elizabet CabezaEsteve Riambau导演的《La doble vida del faquir》/原名《》电影在线观看,《La doble vida del faquir》百度云网盘资源以及《La doble vida del faquir》高清mp4迅雷下载,《La doble vida del faquir》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

This is an unpretentious documentary mixing reality and fiction in very special circumstances.   Old men and women are interviewed about events that took place 70 years ago! No kidding, they talk about their earliest memories on an orphanage during the Spanish civil war where... -surprise, surprise- they acted -as lead actors and actresses- on an a film by an amateur film-maker.
Plot Summary:La doble vida del faquir (The magicians) returns to the scene of a school in the Catalan town of Sant Julià de Vilatorta where, in 1937, in the midst of civil war, a film-maker in hiding and a group of orphaned children dressed up as sultans and explorers shot an exotic adventure film. The films protagonists relive those childhood days when they were able to switch their school smocks for oriental turbans, while reality imposed its own fancy dress ball with military uniforms and priests dressed in civilian garb.
