马尔科姆与玛丽Malcolm & Marie(2021)

又名:马尔科姆和玛丽 / 电影试爱 / 首映夜

上映日期:2021-01-29(美国点映) / 2021-02-05(美国网络)片长:106

主演:赞达亚 约翰·大卫·华盛顿 

导演:萨姆·莱文森 / 


《马尔科姆与玛丽》(2021)原名《Malcolm & Marie》字幕下载 / 又名《马尔科姆和玛丽 / 电影试爱 / 首映夜》中文字幕下载

A filmmaker returns home with his girlfriend following a celebratory movie premiere as he awaits what's sure to be imminent critical and financial success. The evening suddenly takes a turn as revelations about their relationships begin to surface, testing the strength of their love.

