家族企业 第一季Family Business(2019)

又名:Joint Venture

主演:乔纳森·科恩 Valérie Damidot 热拉尔·达尔蒙 Lina El Arabi Enrico Macias 茱莉亚·皮亚彤 

导演:未知编剧:伊戈尔·戈特曼 Igor Gotesman


《家族企业 第一季》(2019)原名《Family Business》字幕下载 / 又名《Joint Venture》中文字幕下载

Learning that cannabis will be legalized, Joseph, a failed entrepreneur, decides to transform, with the help of his family and friends, the kosher butcher shop of his father and open the first marijuana coffeeshop in France.

家族企业 第一季:最新字幕下载资源
