真·超神传说虚月童子 魔胎传真・超神伝説うろつき童子 魔胎伝(1990)

又名:Shin Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji: Mataiden / Urotsukidoji II: Legend of the Demon Womb

主演:高田由美 Yumi Takada

导演:高山秀樹 / 编剧:前田俊夫


真·超神传说虚月童子 魔胎传主演:高田由美 Yumi Takada,
Using the now famous Nazi Death-Rape machine, Dr Munhihausen Sr. is calling forth the Overfiend, but the experiment goes wildly wrong. Now taking over for his father, Munhihausen Jr. is poised to try again. Using a new stronger machine, alloys & improved engines... Will he succeed in killing the Overfiend, then taking control over Earth....?!?

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