
又名:Heroic Sons and Daughters

主演:田方 Fang Tian/周文彬 Wenbin Zhou/刘尚娴 Shangxian Liu/刘世龙 Liu Shilong/褚大章 Dazhang Chu/郭振清 Zhenqing Guo/浦克 Ke Pu/刘效国 Xiaoguo Liu/赵文瑜 Wenyu Zhao/任颐 Yi Ren/王延盛 Yansheng Wang/柏瑞桐 Ruitong Bai/王宝顺 Baoshun Wang/李万城 Wancheng Li/赵宝华 Baohua Zhao/刘彤彦 Tongyan Liu

导演:武兆堤 / 编剧:毛烽 Feng Mao/武兆堤 Zhaodi Wu/巴金 Jin Ba



英雄儿女主演:田方 Fang Tian/周文彬 Wenbin Zhou/刘尚娴 Shangxian Liu/刘世龙 Liu Shilong/褚大章 Dazhang Chu/郭振清 Zhenqing Guo/浦克 Ke Pu/刘效国 Xiaoguo Liu/赵文瑜 Wenyu Zhao/任颐 Yi Ren/王延盛 Yansheng Wang/柏瑞桐 Ruitong Bai/王宝顺 Baoshun Wang/李万城 Wancheng Li/赵宝华 Baohua Zhao/刘彤彦 Tongyan Liu, 抗美援朝时期的某高地,激烈的战争正在进行,刚出院的中方志愿军战士王成(刘世龙)一回到部队就要求投入到战斗中去,并拿出父亲王复标(周文彬)鼓励他为国立功的家书给张团长(郭振清)和政委王文清(田方)看,王复标是王文清的老战友,他也知道王成是王复标的儿子。   王成在战斗中壮烈牺牲,全团展开向他学习的行动,文艺兵、王成的妹妹王芳(刘尚娴)强忍悲痛投入到创作中。和王芳的接触中,王文清虽认出她是自己十八年前无奈丢下、后被王复标收养的女儿,却没有和她相认,而是鼓励她以实际行动向哥哥学习,王芳也在后来的战斗中有英勇表现。
An army officer has a chance encounter with a young soldier, the son of an old comrade in arms. The soldier tells the officer he has a sister who is also in the army. When the young soldier is killed in action, the officer visits her to pay his respects, and recognizes her as his own child, given up for adoption 18 years earlier. This presents him with a dilemma, wanting to reconnect with the only child he ever had, yet reluctant to tell her the truth about her parentage ...

